Monday 29 February 2016

Who Lost the Keys?

Who lost the keys?
To the safe place for refugees
Oh it wasn’t you?
Well it wasn’t me
Sorry no room at the inn
We’re full up with sinners all enjoying their second dinners
And planning a holiday to a greasy beach in cheap n easy Greece
Package trip to lesbos
The land of milk and honey
Body shots, cheap girls, always sunny
Hm, its no longer funny...

I’m sorry
I take it all back
I fell foul to easy stereotypes
Criticisms of what you enjoy
And my judgment only reflects back onto me to blind me with misunderstanding
Im sorry
My head is shredded
Because as always there must be someone to blame
One of those big dogs in the suits
With the fame
Big name
Yeah HIM
Cause he plays the power game

OR not?
Cause he lives life on earth too
Has his problems
Was bullied at school
Because there is always a story
That you haven’t heard
That would make you question your hatred and change the way you form your words

Before you point a finger
And lets
Forget the blame
Cause really we should all be ashamed

No one has found the keys

For the refugees