Wednesday 22 June 2016

Few words on the referendum...

Is it such a tall order
to ask that we avoid
yet another border

We’ve split the land in so many places
to me it seems a waste to lose unity 
with so many beautiful faces

The word UNION sings loudest to me
togetherness and oneness is what we REALLY want
and that concept is free

But with another division
and yet more restrictions
we forget to share
raise our glasses in the air
to economy, singularity,
power and MORE
and forget that unity and diversity
is what’s really at the core


Fifi and Grandma

Sleepover with Fifi and Grandma

Breakfast noodles

rainbow city guardians


94 years old - rainbow grandpa, still live and kicking

Interacting with outta space and beyond

Sugar Cane factory Dulan

Me n Siki Sufin - mastermind behind the journeying souls project

oozing nature

Beach Clean

Gods and Goddesses of sound

Saturday 18 June 2016


 A group of Chinese and Taiwanese artists depicting the stage we have got to with messin' with mother Earth. It's called sweeping the Elephant, inspired by George Orwell's book 'Shooting the Elephant' and also his attitude that art can be empty if it has no political current running through it.

 Tea in the log cabin in the sky

Siki Sufin of the Amis tribe 'journeying souls' his vision of the wings that take you away and then return you home

neat seat

Ho Kan 'Reverberations' at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. He got in so much trouble drawing on walls as a kid that he had to draw on the underside of drawers so that no one would see. Nothing stopped him!

 The quoting room - pick a book, chose a quote, stick it to the wall.

Not much has changed but they live underwater


Daniel Lee