Monday 25 July 2016

HOW to chief GROOVE

It's not really broken

 skating on the surface
such elegance grace and calm
but the real charm lies deeper
in the clumsiness of a fall
that leads you into the hall
of everything that exists beyond
and if you keep your eyes open
you’ll forget that you slipped and tripped
and focus not on what's broken
but open to the open

Sunday 17 July 2016

The weight

His lens told me everything I needed to know 
the weight of the loss, emotions with no bridge to cross
I knew but could never understand how heavy it must feel
how the films in the mind are recorded onto the darkest reel

the weight of that metal bucket crushing down on your home
the weight of all the rubbish left to rot after weeks of being thrown
the weight of the clouds of rain that persist above you
the weight that you carry, its no bad dream this is real and true

and I fear for 
where the mind goes when the body forgets that it shivers
when the stomach can’t hear its grumble
and the ears don’t hear the thunder

arms so small
they should only have to reach
for the embrace of a loving parent
for the ring of a basket ball hoop
instead of trudging long and hard
through a pit of waste and soup

children with fierce looking eyes, 
strength comes not with age but through having to fight to survive
waste scattered across the landscape and cutting through the mind, 
how can this forgotten figure
find peace in such demise
how to lighten the load of this crisis, 
to create comfort and warmth in a place born of human vices 
to clear the waste and start a fresh, 
there’s so much space

how can we say there’s none left

Tuesday 12 July 2016

The turtle of Tokyo

decisions decisions which vision which vision


kANGYO ART AQUARIUM - there are little fish swimmin around in this nutty plastic light switchin thing

Monday 11 July 2016

Daily Dalai Lama Loaf

I consider we are all the same as human beings, mentally, emotionally and physically. In order to ensure a more peaceful world and a healthier environment we sometimes point a finger at others saying they should do this or that. But change must start with us as individuals. If one individual becomes more compassionate it will influence others and so we will change the world.

a strange place

love this one with and from KATYA BARTON singing in the fields of worthy farm at the stone circle xxxxx

Sunday 10 July 2016

Notes from the spider who spins webs of wires

Sharper, faster, slick
endless tricks
always racing no time for pacing
days fly by and I wonder
Why I haven't felt a thing since Wednesday

The current had me pulsing
but stopped me feeling past impulsion
the infinite on a one track path...

where is the space to really GRASP?
the time to play and shape and mould
the time to breathe and stretch your soul?

I don't know and I don't care
cause I've got volts and volts of flare
the current never lulls
the fire never burns dim

when you're WIRED

Fibreglass in my ass, back to TOKYO the big beautiful BLUR




(foodman concocting something nasty)

Good morning SHIBUYA

Hello Valley