Monday 22 August 2016

Peggy Freydberg 107 year old poet

Every morning,
even being very old,
(or perhaps because of it),
I like to make my bed.
In fact, the starting of each day
is the biggest thing I ever do.
I smooth away the dreams disclosed by tangled sheets,
I smack the dented pillow’s revelations to oblivion,
I finish with the pattern of the spread exactly centered.
The night is won.
And now the day can open.
All this I like to do,
mastering the making of my bed
with hands that trust beginnings.
All this I need to do,
directed by the silent message
of the luxury of my breathing.
And every night,
I like to fold the covers back,
and get in bed,
and live the dark, wise poetry of the night’s dreaming,
dreading the extent of its improbabilities,
but surrendering to the truth it knows and I do not;
even though its technicolor cruelties,
or the music of its myths,
feels like someone else’s experience,
not mine.
I know that I could no more cease
to want to make my bed each morning,
and fold the covers back at night,
than I could cease
to want to put one foot before the other.
Being very old and so because of it,
all this I am compelled to do,
day after day,
night after night,
directed by the silent message
of the constancy of my breathing,
that bears the news I am alive.

Sunday 7 August 2016

high n low (captions at top from now on)

 In the sky-tree house

Gundam gonna steal your Christmas

Floating on some black magic

drenched in the spectrum

who ever said clash?

seeing green n orange in the leftover wild west (nikko and some crumbling places)

green sunrise

imagining autumn in this place

my mate ali G 

appearing in orange on a bench near you

howdy partner

no one liked the food

the proud owners of a house whose back garden is a fake mt. rushmore. pickett fence under construction, hide your wives and husbands 

what's up doc.

cleaners busy playing pokemon go

yard art

P  L  A  Y

put em up

lock em up

don't show up

your driver awaits

nature taking back the throne

quick trip to ladyville


not those kinda shots

these shots too

I thought mother told you to tidy your room



cant escape this little onster - grace keep your pet on a leash

dandy scrawlings

gonna drown in the green mush soon
